Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!!
As some of you might know, today is Chinese New Year!! ;)
I want to wish everyone a great New Year and may your life be filled with hope and prosperity!
Celebrate the New Year with the ones you love =)
I hope everyone gets a lot of red envelops ^^ kekeke~
You guys might have seen my previous post (
Stashing Haul) , where I shared pictured from Instagram, of my recent nails.
For those of you who know, during Chinese New Year you are suppose to wear red 8) so I though I would be festive and get creative with my nails to celebrate the New Year ;)
Lucky for you guys one of the colors peeled of.. well in all honestly I was playing around with it hehe, so I thought why not show you how I achieved these nails :)
Things you will need
- Base Coat
- First Color (red)
- Second color (white)
- Top Coat
- Dotting tool (bobby pin) (tooth pick)
First apply your base coat
Apply a thin layer of your main color, don't forget to cap the edges, sealing the free edge of your nails
Apply a another layer of main color until you have achieved the desired color
Dip your dotting tool (bobby pin) (tooth pick) into your accent color
Have dots placed spaced out from one another
Do this all along the surface of your nail
Top it off with your favorite top coat to have is shine 8) and once again cap the free edge.
Here I used the opposite colors on my other thumb
Left Hand :)
Right Hand :)
like nothing ever happened kekeke n_______n
TADA!!! easy right? Of course you are not subjected to only using these colors ;) I always say, play around with colors. You might just find a new combination you love!
I hope everyone enjoyed celebrating the welcoming of the year of the Dragon n________n !!